It’s very difficult to read cards for yourself. I can do it now, in a pinch, but I’ve been reading cards for twenty years, and even so, reading for myself is sailing through choppy waters.
Why do you need someone else to read for you? Well, you need a certain amount of objectivity to give a good psychic reading. It’s hard to be objective about oneself because our egos get in the way. By “ego,” I mean the confused part of us, full of desires and fears.
At the center of Buddhist mandalas, you can see the ego represented as a pig, a bird, and a snake intertwined, symbolizing ignorance, desires, and aversions. These ego feelings are so strong inside us and they go on all the time. They block a lot of other input.
When you’re reading for someone else, the pig, the bird, and snake aren’t so strong. (Notice that, on a symbolic level, the pig, bird, and snake are all simple, “lower” type animals, animals that operate on instinct.) Reading for someone else, those feelings can step aside and allow deeper feelings, psychic feelings to come in.
Yes, you can get into the correct mindset reading for yourself also, but it’s difficult. Experiencing a shock will make the pig, bird, and snake go poof for a little while, during which you can sometimes get a very clear reading about yourself. But they’ll creep right back in and start to run the show, because that’s what they do. They make insight very difficult. This is why it’s good to have help.